Hello comrades!
Today let’s dive to the ground in search of targets. No matter how interesting the military equipment directly involved in combat is, victory is impossible without adequate supply. Supply lines must be protected while the enemy must be prevented from replenishing his reserves — the ideal target for a ground attack aircraft are not well-protected military vehicles, but vulnerable transport columns and trains. We have already told you about road transport and its variety in the
12th issue of our diary, so today we will talk about trains — locomotives and railcars.
As we said, the detail and visual quality of the tracks and equipment will reach a new level in the Korea project — today we will go a little deeper into the details. An interesting point is that the rolling stock of the Korean railways of the 50s was extremely diverse, and we had a non-trivial task of choosing the most characteristic examples of railroad equipment to recreate in the game. Korea was supplied with many different types of railway equipment from different parts of the world — from the USA, Europe, Japan (during the occupation), and so on.