Hello everybody!
Today we will tell you a little about the ground vehicles we are producing for the new project Korea. IL-2 Series. As usual, the set includes the main types — staff car, ambulance, light truck, and heavy truck — we have been using this approach since Rise of Flight. This time, however, we have developed a special scheme to multiply the variety of ground objects (which are also targets for the player).
The idea is simple — all cars and trucks will have different load options. Basically, each truck can carry troops, general army cargo, barrels of fuel and lubricants, or ammunition boxes. In addition, each truck can have a canvas tarp or not, which can be combined with the cargo options. Of course, what kind of cargo the truck is carrying drastically changes what happens when it is hit. If the truck is carrying fuel or ammunition, there will be an explosion or fire. If it is carrying soldiers, they will try to disperse. Crates will spill out if the truck flips over.
In addition to the various cargoes, another entity has been introduced that contributes to the variety of convoys — vehicle trailers. First of all, these are classic cargo trailers, which, like the truck itself, have various loading options and can be equipped with a canvas tarp. Secondly, every stationary anti-aircraft gun, cannon, howitzer, and searchlight in our new project has a transport variant in addition to the deployed one.
All these innovations allow, with a minimal increase in cost and PC load, to qualitatively diversify and improve the view of one of the main targets of a ground attack pilot — transport columns. Now we will be able to show columns with reinforcements, columns with fuel and oil, columns carrying ammunition, supply columns, and an artillery or anti-aircraft battery during redeployment. And, of course, there are airfield refueling trucks — a three-axle truck of any coalition has such an option.