Hey everybody!
Today we have a "one picture diary". It shows an American jet fighter pilot of the Korean War period with all his equipment.
This is the so-called high-poly model of the character, when all the details, down to the shoelaces and stitches, are made as three-dimensional geometric objects. Such a model contains millions and millions of triangles and is, of course, greatly simplified in the game. But all this detail is not wasted — based on the detailed high-poly model there is a process of so-called "baking" of textures when small details turn into a normal texture map, also known as a "bump map." As a result, even from a close distance, due to the interaction of the normal map and the game’s lighting system and shadows, the simplified geometry with such a texture looks 3-dimensional with all these details left intact in the game engine. This is the modern approach to the texturing of objects, which makes it possible to achieve a visually much more detailed and believable result without increasing the number of polygons and the size of the texture. This is an important aspect of the evolution of game graphics — it happens not only by improving the graphics engine, but also by developing different approaches to visual content creation, appropriate tools, and increasing the knowledge base of the art team.