Dev Blog #3
Hello everyone!

Today we would like to tell you about the historical background of our new flight simulator — the part of the Korean War that will be covered in the Commander’s Career mode. The beginning of the war was turbulent: from June to August 1950, the front line rolled from the 38th parallel to the south coast, squeezing the Western Coalition forces into a large cauldron in the Pusan area. Then, after UN forces landed on the south and west coasts, the line quickly rolled north to the border with China, pinning down North Korean forces there. Then Chinese and Soviet soldiers, the former as volunteers and the latter as military advisers, came into action. And again quickly, within 2 months, the front line rolled south until it stabilized in the area just south of the 38th parallel. All of the above took place from June to December 1950.

In November 1950, modern Soviet MiG-15 fighters, which had previously only covered large industrial areas in China and were not directly involved in the war, appeared in the skies and the first air battles took place. The U.S. reacted quickly and already in December 1950 the new F-86A Sabre appeared at the front. The first air combat between MiG-15s and F-86s took place on December 17th. Although the situation on the ground had generally stabilized, the war in the air began to unfold in full force.

The game describes the events of the middle and final stages of the war — from April 1951 to July 1953. Air operations were conducted from forty airfields, both near the front line and in the rear areas of the North Korean forces. The U.S. Air Force sought to disable various infrastructure facilities — transportation, industrial, and military. North Korean and Soviet air forces (including those operating as advisors under the North Korean flag) made efforts to counter these attacks. There were also several military episodes when Chinese Tu-2s (also flying the North Korean flag as volunteers) and Korean IL-10s flew missions to support North Korean amphibious operations and to suppress enemy forces on the Taehwa-do islands off the west coast. The main combat operations, of course, took place near the front lines.
The bulk of the combat days in the career will be focused on the largest operations and battles — listed below. There were also many smaller events in the war during the given time that still involved significant air action. In addition to the 32 major military events that the player will be able to participate in, there will be a total of approximately 130 days of combat in the Career mode, each associated with a specific episode of the air war.

02.04.51 Operation Rugged.
09.04.51 Operation Dauntless.
12.04.51 "Black Thursday" when 6 B-29s are shot down.
22.04.51 Spring offensive by CPV and KPA forces.
06.05.51 Counteroffensive by UN forces.
16.05.51 Second offensive by CPV and KPA forces.
21.05.51 Second counteroffensive by UN forces.
01.06.51 Landing in Goseong.
18.08.51 Battle of Bloody Ridge.
13.09.51 Battle of Heartbreak Ridge.
23.10.51 "Black Tuesday": 3 B-29s lost and 5 more damaged.
27.10.51 Last daylight fight between MiG-15bis and B-29s. The U.S.A. then decided to switch to night raids by B-29s.
01.11.51 Landing on the Hedao Archipelago.
30.11.51 One of the biggest clashes between La-11s and F-86s during the war.
21.03.52 Battle of Hill Eerie.
06.06.52 Battle of Old Baldy.
23.06.52 Massive attack on hydroelectric plants in North Korea.
02.07.52 Operation Blaze.
09.08.52 Battle of Bunker Hill.
29.08.52 Largest air attack on Pyongyang in history.
17.09.52 Battle of Outpost Kelly.
02.10.52 First battle of the Hook.
06.10.52 First battle of Arrowhead Hill.
09.10.52 Battle of White Horse Hill.
14.10.52 Autumn offensive of UN troops — Operation Showdown.
16.10.52 Battle of Jackson Heights.
06.07.53 Second Battle of Pork Chop Hill.
07.07.53 Battle of the Berlin Outposts.
13.07.53 Last major CPV offensive (Third Battle of Kimson).
23.07.53 Battle of the Samichon River.
24.07.53 Battle of Boulder City.
27.07.53 Signing of the armistice agreement.

Each day of combat will be accompanied by a corresponding newspaper edition, immersing the player in the historical context in which the game is set. The game will feature fighter and ground attack air units flying missions in a variety of locations on the Korean peninsula. The player will have to operate in different weather conditions, which will correspond to the historical conditions of the day. Summer, autumn, winter, and spring — the regiment under the player’s control will perform tasks in different seasons, and the Korean countryside will look completely different.

Later in our Dev Blog, we will tell you in detail how the gameplay will be organized, which planes will take part in the air battles, and much more. Stay tuned!